Debian 8 Jessie update to Debian 9 Stretch and possible errors

At first I was very afraid to do it on a live, working server precisely because with older versions I had a sad experience, where it was easier to reinstall the system than to correct the existing errors. That's why I originally made all the necessary backups. Namely: Folder /var - there I have all the sites. Folder /etc - configs And of... Read more...

Reading IMAP emails via PHP

Actually, this is not complicated, but it has a rather large list of what it might be needed for. I personally used it to send to myself in VK notifications about the release of new episodes of my favorite series. These notifications just come to one of my mailboxes. I already mentioned how to write messages in VK through PHP in one of the... Read more...

How do I insert multiple reCAPTCHA on one page?

As can be seen from the reCAPTCHA documentation, by default it is installed only on the first form that appears and creates its own “widget” only there. However, there is also an “explicit" mode, which allows you to specify yourself where to hang reCAPTCHA. And thanks to this, you can put them at least a hundred pieces on one page. In almost... Read more...

Why don't you add your code to functions.php and what to do

Why shouldn't I add my code to functions.php? Why did I touch on this topic? It's as simple as that. Very often I see tips on the internet, like "add this code to the functions.php file of your topic and will %what you Googled%". This is a very frequent response, only the code that needs to be added changes. And this is the most... Read more...

How to create a bot in vk or VK Callback API

Hello! Recently, on one project, I had to come across a VK bot that “lives” in group messages. Prior to that, I had the most diverse experience in creating bots from personal pages. In order for the bot to be able to respond normally to messages, one had to do all kinds of perversions with crowns, timers, “remembering” messages and... Read more...

How do I use wordpress outside of wp itself?

I decided to write a small (or large) series of articles with regards to wordpress. The first thing that was a little difficult to find information on Google and what you had to get to yourself was: How to use wordpress functions outside of wordpress itself? For those who are especially quick and do not want to read tons of letters: You just... Read more...

The lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock could not be accessed

If you get the following error when executing commands with apt-get: E: Unable to access the lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource is temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to block directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ To get rid of this error, just remove the lock rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock Such an error occurs if you close... Read more...

VKontakte how to find out the hidden date of birth

Hello world! Discovered how to find out the hidden date of birth in the wk completely by accident. This is done through search. First, you need to find the right person with a hidden date of birth in the search: Now you need to go down the filter and unwrap the "Extra" tab: Then we start to go through the first day, until the right person... Read more...

VK API. Authorization for the site

In order not to write a very large article, I reduced the code only to the necessary minimum. Those. no checks, powerful filters for errors and other things. Only that which is directly necessary for authorization, for understanding what is happening. Also, the article is designed to have at least basic knowledge of PHP and HTML. Details will... Read more...

Automation of bash action

For a while I played a game where there were some very annoying actions that needed to be repeated over and over again. I found a solution to this problem with bash. I’ll keep silent about the name of the game. This is not a call now to sculpt a cloud of bots, but just a small manual on how to automate actions using bash . Usually used on... Read more...